IPC LAUNCHES ITS ECOPLUS PROGRAM TO EMBED ITS SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES! April 13, 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability With continuing efforts towards a more sustainable future, IPC introduced its new program Ecoplus that strives to engage in sustainability matters. The program acknowledges the division and its affiliates’ responsibility in being active…
UNIPAK AND PULP ORGANIC LIVING JOIN FOR EARTH DAY TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR COMMUNITY. April 3, 2017 Pulp Organic Living Sustainability UNIPAK In line with IPC’s mission of a sustainable future and PULP’s promise of reforestation, the IPC marketing department and UNIPAK S.A.L held a tree-planting event at UNIPAK S.A.L…
UNIPAK PRESENTS THE 'UNIPAK CREATIVE AWARD' AT THE STUDENT STARPACK LEBANON COMPETITION. April 3, 2017 Corporate Social Responsibility Sponsorship Sustainability UNIPAK For its seventh year in a row, Libanpack organized the Starpack student competition for visual and structural packaging designs. On June 1, 2016, students from universities all around Lebanon,…